Behaviorally Inspired / Genetically Wired
If I (telegraphically) punch at a human, they will (generally) flinch.
If I throw that same punch at a pro boxer while we’re casually talking, they will flinch too.
If I throw that same punch to the same pro boxer during a boxing match, they will (likely) not flinch.
What’s going on here?
Consent, Awareness, and preparation change everything (CAP).
We don’t realize how awareness of the drill, consent to participate, and preparation (training/warming up, etc.) change everything.
Reflect back on #1 & 2. What's the connection between the untrained and trained?
CAP gives us the ability to access the skills. When we experience a sudden surprise assault, our survival systems hijack the moment because they understand that situational awareness has been compromised.
This is the paradox of self-defense training - training with CAP creates a false sense of confidence. It’s unintentional of course. But this explains why when we observe real sudden violence we almost never see anyone moving like they were trained.
As a martial scientist, this fascinated me and it’s what I have spent my life trying to decode. It’s what lead me to appreciate the magic of the human weapon system.