The most common question I get when people discover our research and system is where is the best place to start?
The great part about our system is that it's all organic and when you show up to a class whether it's online or in-person, you are bringing all of the resources we need to turn you into a protector.
Our premise is that you are already a human weapon system.
If you don't believe that then we need to work on mindset and fear management and for that, we've got an entire body of work called KNOW FEAR. In this program, we’ll teach you how to think about your own fear and make it a cathartic force that you can use to fuel indignation in a time of conflict.
If mindset and fear aren't your initial hurdle and you're overthinking and concerned about the technical skills, I've got good news for you. The SPEAR System® is based on a primal gross motor philosophy where we use instinctive and natural movement, core to extremity explosiveness, and where we teach you how to weaponize the startle flinch.
Our system blends principles from Hick's law and Fitt's law, making our approach truly scientific. It's also exciting because it's based on a non-gender, non-age, or non-experience model. It works for everybody if they have an open mind.
So back to the original question, where to start?
Whenever I begin sharing our methodology with anyone regardless of whether they are a martial art expert or a ride beginner, I start with what I call the timeline of violence. This model is like a blueprint that helps people understand that there is much more to navigating violence than learning how to strike or block.
Here is an image from our online trainer course:
As you can see there's a lot more going on besides the punch, kick, block, etc. This is not to say that developing an effective physical arsenal isn't important, but in our crazy litigious world, the smartest thing you can do is also the safest thing you can do and that is to avoid and de-escalate. Only if push comes to shove should you defend yourself remembering of course, that force must parallel danger.
The most important thing I can tell you is to develop your situational awareness and avoidance skills.
Next would be your verbal de-escalation and then finally, your physical skills. It's interesting to note that most people spend most of their time on their physical skills, which, if you're honest, is ironically the skill set you need to use the least to navigate confrontations in life (of course this depends on your occupation).
For those of you with an extensive physical arsenal, studying our mindset programs and adaptive courage and resiliency programs would augment your toolbox. Those of you new to the program would start at the beginning and that is always the mindset and fear management.
If you're a parent, an entrepreneur, or a Good Samaritan, the last thing you want to be involved in is a violent encounter.
Personal defense isn't about learning how to win a fight, it's about learning how to avoid the fight.⠀⠀
1️⃣ Confrontations typically don't start with the physical.
2️⃣ Most people “blow-it” by thinking that danger only starts when it gets physical.
Both groups, trained and untrained, would be wise to learn and adopt this strategy:
✅Stance, non-violent posture, Trojan horse metaphor
✅ The psychology of de-escalation
✅ The importance of understanding body language
✅ How our “pre-fight” strategy can help you defuse a confrontation or get ready to preempt or intercept an attack.
I write about the THREE D’s often because they are so so important!
Detect - Defuse - Defend⠀⠀
Detect and avoid - remove yourself/your family from danger ASAP. Don't let ego or pride dictate your next strategy.
Defuse and de-escalate (body language and stance speak volumes).
Defend: If ethical and legal avoidance isn’t an option, be prepared to protect yourself.
I've added some direct links to some resources below my signature that will help you get started.
Stay safe!
Coach B
If you like these articles, find value in them, please let me know by leaving a comment! Your feedback and interaction mean a lot to me. And please share these with your family, friends community!
1. The Trojan Horse Principle for Street Altercations
2. Violence Doesn't Care What Martial Arts You Study
3. Managing Fear
Essentials of Personal Defense
Pre-Fight Series
SPEAR Online On-Ramp
SPEAR for Women
SPEAR for Kids
Google Play