Fist vs Palm.
Why/Why Not?
Over the years I’ve gotten asked this question many times.
Those who follow me for the SPEAR System always see ‘fingers splayed’ and wonder when/if punches are used.
What many don’t know is I LOVE BOXING and have been striking for over 40 years now!
There is something iconic about a great jab, a wicked left hook, or the classic overhand right.
Especially when it finds its mark.
Over the span of my martial career, I’ve also sprained my wrist, cracked my hand, broken knuckles and thumbs from throwing punches.
I’ve never sustained a debilitating injury to my hand from throwing a palm strike.
Having said that, because striking is [once again] so iconic, the urge is always there, therefore the temptation is real.
But, as you know, our motto at Blauer Tactical is CHOOSE SAFETY.
I.e. given this scenario what is the safest thing I can do right now?
Clint Emerson author of 100 Deadly Skills, recently shared a short clip from the video segment we did for his amazing book. (video is below).
This image is a screenshot of a message I got from one of my IG followers. Whenever possible I do my best to answer as thoroughly as I can. I think you’ll dig the answer.
My answer:
Here’s the video from Clint. *If you haven’t seen it, watch it now. Remember, its missing context😉
If you want to experience more of my system and methods, I recommend you invest in the SPEAR FOUNDATIONS video, it’s 3 hours and tons of drills and demos!
It’s available on Vimeo at $199, or if you want to SAVE over $100 use this link.😉👊
Stay safe,
Coach B
For those who might have to transition to a gun breaking your fingers on someone’s head is a bad idea. Hence , unless you’ve soent years hardening your hands like a Shaolin Priest it’s best for an operative to use open hands regardless of it causes a knock out or just stuns and trips the OODA for follow up.
Palm all the way. If I miss it almost works as a push. Creating space for another attack or flight. IMHO